
SkyPilot Seeks New Arrivals For Runway Series

Submit New Plays by March 1st

Los Angeles - January 2019 - SkyPilot Theatre Company, a well-established greenhouse for the development of new works, is looking for submissions for the second season of it’s development track – SkyPilot Runway. Submissions for the 2019 season will be accepted until March 1, 2019.

“To enter a theatre for a (live) performance is to be inducted into a magical space, to be ushered into the sacred arena of the imagination.” (Simon Callow) “That is what live theatre is, and to keep live theatre relevant we must continue to introduce new plays and new voices to the conversation,” says James Carey, SkyPilot’s Artistic Director. “That is what SkyPilot does! We introduce relevant new works by emerging playwrights done in highly imaginative and professional productions to a contemporary audience in Los Angeles.”

SkyPilot Runway will include 6-8 readings, one per month. The process will include a rehearsed, staged, script-in-hand reading directed by a prominent Los Angeles theater director in partnership with the playwright, followed by a intensely focused feedback session after the reading with a moderator. While submissions will be accepted from anywhere, playwrights must be in the Los Angeles area for at least one rehearsal and the reading. If not, scripts will still be considered for a SkyPilot main stage production.

In addition to the reading, SkyPilot will record a podcast reading of the script.  It will be presented in the same style as the stage readings, where the narrator will read stage directions and actors will voice the characters. The Podcast would be distributed through podcast directories such as iTunes and Google Play as well as being posted on the SkyPilot website.

Playwrights interested in having their work developed via the SkyPilot Runway track should submit the following by March 1, 2019:

  • A copy of a full length, never produced play (no one-acts or musicals) including synopsis and any previous development of the work;

  • a bio;

  • a statement of any length explaining their goals for the script;

  • a $20 submission fee (Through PayPal or Venmo:

Late submissions will not be considered.

Although there are no cast or technical limitations for SkyPilot Runway readings, playwrights unable to be present for the Runway but still wishing to be considered for a SkyPilot Theatre main stage production should submit scripts with no fewer than 4 characters.

Due the anticipated volume of submissions, SkyPilot Theatre Company will not be able to respond with feedback for those scripts not chosen for the Runway track.


Submit all materials and questions to


- “My experience with the Runway series was fabulous! Thanks to SkyPilot for putting together a great reading that helped me develop my play.”  - Ron Burch (Marvel), Playwright: “Last Days of Franklinton”

“SkyPilot Runway was an amazingly positive experience for me and my play, THE FIRST TO KNOW. Having the opportunity to attend rehearsals and participate fully in the process via input and suggestions made me feel, in some way, more than just a playwright, whose work was accomplished in grim, self-imposed solitude. I was an active participant in an organic process that, in the end, yielded wonderful results: the reading came together beautifully and each and every one of the actors absolutely shone. I would do it with all my plays if I could!” - Jessica Abrams (Knocking on Doors), Playwright: “The First to Know”

*NOTE: No guarantee of full production will be given or implied by acceptance into the SkyPilot Runway development track; however, SkyPilot will consider all plays chosen for full productions. Playwrights will sign a collaboration agreement with SkyPilot Theatre which will include a clause stipulating credit be attached to chosen script in perpetuity, e.g. “NAME OF SCRIPT was developed in association with SkyPilot Theatre and the SkyPilot Runway program.” Agreement will also give SkyPilot Theatre first right of refusal for production of the script.