Original One-Act Festival Returns to SkyPilot

With Theme, “Second Chances”

 Submit New Plays By May 15, 2025

SkyPilot Theatre Company will once again present a selection of original one-act plays this Fall. Playwrights are invited to submit works based on the theme “Second Chances”.

Do you believe in redemption? Forgiveness? Does everyone deserve the chance to redeem themselves? If you could go back and do it differently, would you? Will you allow them to? Perhaps going forward you are given the opportunity. Comedic or dramatic. Life or death. The possibilities are endless and so will be the fun. Playwrights are asked to submit one-acts based on this theme. 

Parameters are as follows:

  • Length – 20-30 minutes maximum

  • 6-8 characters maximum

  • Submission Deadline – May 15th

  • Original, never produced material only, no adaptations

  • No musicals

  • No elaborate costumes or elaborate sets

  • Submission fee is $10 (Through PayPal or Venmo: SkyPilotSubmissions@gmail.com)

Once again this year, there will be two awards given out to playwrights. The Audience Award and the Producers Award will include a cash prize of $50 each and will be voted on and awarded to two of the overall plays selected for the festival at the end of the run. 

Please submit plays with “One Act Festival” in the subject line to SkyPilotSubmissions@gmail.com by May 15th. In your submission, please include a synopsis, how it fits the theme, and any performance history.